“Hand-shock” is a tool intended as an aid to self-defense which was developed in the framework of the “Maor Self- Defense” system. It is intended to serve as an aid in stress situations such as assault, attempts kidnapping, attempted rape and other crimes of violence. In such situations, the attacked person will look for something from the environment, which might be of use as a weapon such as a stone, stick, bottle, keys etc.; these might be of some use but are definitely not an optimal solution. Some people carry with them weapons such as brass knuckles, nunchakus, switchblades and the like. These are liable to cause permanent injury, which may be irreversible, and which could expose the user to litigation by the assailant. A further disadvantage is, that they are not convenient to carry around, and thus may not be available in case of need. Hand-shock is able to overcome most of these disadvantages by its properties. Firstly, it is small and lightweight. It may be easily carried in the pocket or a purse, as it is of the size of a hand, and of low weight.
Courses - Handshock KMM
Krav Maga Maor Selfdefense Italia
Registro Nazionale A.S.D. n°121099
Registro C.S.A.IN n*EPSCSAIN234397
© A.S.D. KRAV MAGA DEFENSE ITALIA P.IVA: 11127791009 C.F.: 97601370584
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